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Some suggestions for Chairman. Xi Jinping

2024/3/31      view:

Some suggestions for Chairman. Xi Jinping

Respected Chairman. Xi Jinping,
I am writing to you here to propose some suggestions and jointly explore the governance and construction of our country.

We know that your greatest wish is to make the country and nation develop better and revive as soon as possible, and to enable the general public to live a good life. You have made a lot of efforts to do so, and many of us are willing to participate in this action, work together, and contribute to the prosperity and happiness of the country and the people.

But we also know that governing and revitalizing a country is not so easy. "Managing a great country is like cooking small dishes," and many aspects need to be done very meticulously and appropriately in order to do things well. Otherwise, not only may it not be effective, but it may also backfire and cause many problems and adverse effects.

I hope that our generation will be remembered by history for making positive contributions to the country, society, and people, without leaving behind regrets and bad reputations due to inappropriate or even counterproductive actions that harm the country and people.

At present, our country is facing significant difficulties and numerous problems in various aspects such as economy and society, including economic decline, declining income, high unemployment, and extremely sharp social contradictions. The general public and leaders at all levels are feeling immense pressure, even suffering and resentment.

How to overcome these difficulties and solve these problems, I would like to offer some suggestions for your reference and discussion:

(1) Increase the openness of various economic sectors to private enterprises and reduce the participation of state-owned enterprises.

The private economy has the best vitality, highest efficiency, and least internal corruption. After fully opening up industries such as home appliances, mobile phones, and automobiles to private enterprises, the results have been very good. The industry has developed rapidly, as well as the medical service industry. Public hospitals are generally high cost, low efficiency, and severely corrupt, while private hospitals and medical examination institutions have greatly improved efficiency and reduced costs, providing affordable services for everyone.

However, in recent years, some of our policies have been unfavorable to private enterprises and favorable to state-owned enterprises. Many industries, including real estate, are now giving priority to and providing more support to state-owned enterprises. Currently, many infrastructure bidding and medical material supply are gradually moving towards monopolizing supply by large state-owned enterprises, which has caused widespread concern. Many people believe that we are taking the path of national progress, private retreat, return to public ownership, and planned economy, and hope to make adjustments to this. All economic sectors should be fully open to private enterprises to participate, and priority should be given to supporting private enterprises. State enterprises should also participate as little as possible to avoid using government background and relationships to affect fair market competition.

(2) Relax regulation on various industries, reduce requirements, simplify procedures, in order to better unleash social vitality and productivity, as well as reduce costs and opportunities for rent-seeking.

At present, the regulation is too strict, and many aspects are subject to significant restrictions, making it difficult for people to fully utilize their talents. To be honest, many things are often unable and unsuitable to be 100% formal, otherwise it will actually stifle innovation and enthusiasm. As the saying goes, "when the water is clear, there is no fish." For example, for entrepreneurs like Jack Ma who have strong innovative thinking and abilities, they should not be suppressed or excessively punished because they have some small problems, but should be guided to correct and provide an environment and opportunities to encourage them to play a greater role. As long as there are no major problems or hidden dangers, as long as there is no harm, or the probability of problems occurring is very small, or even if there are better ways to deal with problems, there is no need for strict supervision.

Various regulations have a lot of requirements for everyone, and if many of them are to be met, it will bring about significant costs and an increase in manpower investment. The operating costs of various industries are very high and low, which makes it even more difficult for enterprises that are already struggling to operate due to the poor economic situation. This affects the development of various industries and industries, and also leads to high costs for government personnel allocation and material investment in management, thus greatly increasing the burden of social support. In fact, many regulations are too excessive or even unnecessary, and some government management departments should correct their mediocre and lazy practices in order to save themselves trouble and avoid responsibility.

We talk about "governing the country strictly" and "using strict regulations", mainly to strictly demand and restrain officials who hold power, and to relax management for ordinary people who are not very harmful. Since ancient times, many political failures have been mainly due to the indulgence of officials and the harsh treatment of the people.

The best way of social management is to govern the country with benevolence, tolerance, and love for the people, always valuing the people's livelihood and interests without competing with them, doing nothing but disturbing the people, and letting them rest and play to their fullest potential. Since ancient times, many prosperous times have flourished due to the adoption of this management method.

(3) Efforts should be made to rectify existing problems in certain industries in a gradual and gradual manner, rather than being too hasty or adopting a hard landing approach, in order to better avoid major impacts and losses, and to avoid causing social problems. For example, the previous adjustments to education and training, real estate, etc. were too fierce, resulting in too much impact. In a short period of time, many enterprises were unable to adapt and gradually digest the adjustment, and could only shut down or even go bankrupt, resulting in heavy losses. These losses are also a loss of social wealth. Moreover, the large-scale shutdown of enterprises has led to a sharp decline in efficiency creation, and the entire economy has stagnated and declined. This reduction in output will make both the people and the country economically disadvantaged. Recently, many people's income has declined or even become unemployed, and many local governments have experienced a sharp drop in income that cannot make ends meet, mainly due to domestic economic stagnation, reduced foreign investment and trade. Since ancient times, there have been many reforms, such as Wang Mang's reform and Wang Anshi's reform, which had a good starting point. However, due to their hasty actions, detachment from reality, and violation of laws, they have led to many social problems and even caused great damage. In the end, good intentions have led to failure and failure. We hope that we can avoid repeating the same mistakes.

(4) Establishing a democratic rule of law system, correcting social management methods, protecting private property and rights, thereby restoring people's investment and consumption confidence, and restoring economic development.

As China has always had a patriarchal style in social management, it is not soft enough and humanized enough. In particular, the excessive forced closure and control management during the COVID-19 in the past few years has caused many economies to suffer serious losses, resulting in more dissatisfaction, and also worried that they will be closed down or other forced management at any time in the future and suffer further losses.

Even high-profile and deliberate crackdowns on Foxconn have occurred, causing many companies and foreign investors to feel that there is no rule of law in our society and that companies can be investigated at will, thus feeling concerned about safety.

In addition, recently our new Anti Espionage Law and Hong Kong's National Security Law have also been too strict, with a wide and detailed scope of regulation. Many foreign investors are afraid that regular market investigations will also be considered as violations of the Espionage Law and will be punished severely, so they dare not invest. Many people in China are worried that the future legal environment will not be conducive to development and personal and property safety, so they have immigrated. In recent years, one tenth of Hong Kong's population has left, and the number of people who have immigrated to other countries has skyrocketed in recent years. The departure of these capable people is a loss to society, and with the departure of people, a large amount of funds have been transferred, which seriously affects our economic development.

Recently, there has been an excessive emphasis on common prosperity, and various policies have made people feel increasingly left-wing, radical, and have a trend of not protecting private property and personal rights, which has also led to many people's concerns about property and even personal safety.

In addition, our policies are increasingly biased towards state-owned enterprises and unfriendly to private enterprises and foreign investment, making everyone feel that their living space is becoming smaller and smaller.

All of these have made people hesitant to increase or even shrink their existing investments, and many foreign investors and enterprises have also withdrawn.

This is also the main crux of our shrinking investment, sluggish consumption, and the resulting economic depression, increased unemployment, and repeated stock market declines, because people are disappointed with our management and system, and have great concerns about property and even personal safety.

Therefore, we urgently need to correct our understanding and cognition, correct our practices, restrain ourselves from suppressing people just because of likes and dislikes, and not suppress them through non legal or illegal means. We must achieve and be recognized by everyone that we strictly protect private property and everyone's rights. We must be friendly to enterprises and personnel who can contribute to the economy and employment, give them space to play freely, and give them more profits instead of being too calculating with them. We should not demand too much from them, and eliminate the arbitrary sealing and punishment of various powers. We must establish democratic and legal systems as soon as possible, so that everyone can rest assured, because democracy and the rule of law are the most important for everyone's personal and safety. Guaranteed.

(5) Improve one's own international image, including political, diplomatic, and other aspects, in order to gain more recognition and trust from foreign investment and enterprises, and thus increase cooperation with China. Obtaining investment and product exports from foreign investment enterprises is crucial for China's economy, accounting for a considerable proportion of the economy. Some of China's actions are considered not in line with the world's democratic trend, supporting dictatorship and reactionary or even invading other countries, which has also caused their resentment. Many of them are morally clean minded, so they have reduced or even withdrawn their investment in China. They have also launched a "de sinicization" campaign to avoid buying goods and services from our country as much as possible. This is also one of the reasons why China's foreign investment enterprises have recently withdrawn a lot and product exports have sharply declined. We hope to adjust as soon as possible.

(6) Minimize government functions and improve work efficiency, thereby reducing institutions and personnel and reducing government expenses.

The high expenditure of government agencies has become a significant social burden and seriously affects the constraints and drag down social and economic development.

At present, our country tends to adopt a nanny style management approach towards society, providing meticulous management and services for everything, which requires a lot of manpower and material resources.

And currently, the efficiency in organizational management is too low. Many personnel are redundant or not fully engaged in work arrangements, and many tasks are repetitive, inefficient, or even useless. This includes many things that could have been simpler and faster to handle, but are actually complicated due to the requirements being too detailed or some people having to have a process to take responsibility for personal gain.

In fact, many social management tasks can be delegated to various social organizations (such as industry associations) and wise individuals (such as gentry and local elites), which can reduce the government's functions and costs. Some tasks can also be outsourced to enterprises with more efficient concepts, which will result in lower costs. In addition, various virtual, formal, and face saving works should be done as little as possible and only practical and necessary tasks should be done.

Government operations also need to focus on reducing costs and increasing efficiency. Only in this way can measures such as reducing functions, reducing human and material investment, outsourcing work as much as possible, and improving efficiency be taken, which can greatly reduce financial expenses, lower the burden on the public, and allocate more funds and resources to economic development and improving people's livelihoods.

(7) Try to minimize the resources and benefits controlled and allocated by the government, in order to better reduce opportunities for corruption and corruption. At present, the government controls and participates in the allocation of too many resources and funds, including a large amount of funds for infrastructure, scientific research support, industrial support, social security, as well as natural resources such as minerals, medical and educational resources, as well as a large number of industries and enterprises controlled by the government and operated by the government. There are many cases of corruption and benefits in management and distribution, which are difficult to eradicate. It is better for the government to reduce its control and distribution in these areas and adopt other methods to achieve the same effect of ensuring national economy and people's livelihood that the government originally controlled these resources and funds. For example, they can be handed over to the people. The government only needs to provide subsidies based on the results and effects of the work. It can be said that as long as there is an opportunity for corruption, it is difficult to avoid it. No matter how much it is caught, it will only become a form of corruption. Moreover, in order to evade regulation, the methods of corruption will become more complex and the cost will increase. Therefore, it is better to reduce the opportunities for corruption from a mechanism perspective;

(8) Relax the requirements and supervision of government departments and public institutions in their work methods and processes, focus on results, and tolerate non-human intentional errors, better avoiding people being at a loss or even hesitant to take action due to strict supervision. Many civil servants, doctors, and others have reported that there are too many rules and regulations, and if they are not careful enough to violate them, they will be punished, making it difficult to carry out their work. No one can be without faults, especially in the current society where there are still many problems and unreasonable aspects that are not yet perfect. It is even more inevitable that everyone will encounter some problems.

In addition, they are often required to carry out some relatively vague, formal work that has no practical significance and rarely produces practical results, which takes up a lot of everyone's time and makes them tired without much work efficiency. We also hope to reduce and avoid this aspect.

(9) Promote transparency and transparency in government work and personnel, and increase media supervision. This includes requiring the vast majority of government revenue and expenditure details (especially the quantity and price of procurement content) to be publicly posted on the website (unless the revenue and expenditure are small or meet the conditions involving confidentiality), open to public inspection, supervision, and questioning, in order to better avoid corruption. And the system of disclosing official property is also very conducive to preventing corruption, and we hope to implement it as soon as possible. And we hope to make the media more independent and free, with the help of the media to achieve broader and more comprehensive supervision, which is a good way to continuously improve society, standardize government work, and reduce arbitrary power. It can play a more extensive, comprehensive, and timely supervisory role than the disciplinary inspection department. However, currently, many government departments are very cautious and exclude media supervision. Many media are subject to too much regulation, suppression, and even forced to shut down, and as a result, they become cautious and rarely dare to speak out about various issues for fear of being punished. We hope to relax media regulation, reduce content censorship, and prohibit media suppression. It is required that media punishment must be based on obvious and subjective malice. Otherwise, one cannot be punished arbitrarily.

(10) Accelerate political reform, follow the trend of world democracy, and embrace advanced political civilization. Democracy, freedom, rule of law, civic consciousness, balance of power, competition among political parties, and open media and public opinion to achieve transparency and full supervision are all good medicines for social improvement and progress. They are implemented in many countries, whether in the West or the East. Except for a few countries that have encountered problems due to improper operation and insufficient public quality, most of the results are very good. However, we may have been afraid of the side effects of poor control and intentionally stay away from these, even emphasizing not to do these things and not to promote them. It feels like we are constantly regressing on this path, which is not appropriate. In fact, in recent decades, education in China has been possible. Currently, the quality of our citizens has been improved, and people's hearts have been raised. More than ever before, we yearn for democracy, freedom, and the rule of law. Now we have the conditions to accelerate the gradual implementation of these things. As long as we operate properly, we can promote the rapid development of our country in these areas. It is recommended to start by cultivating civic awareness, participating in politics, and making everyone have a sense of ownership and social responsibility, and promote democracy, freedom, and the rule of law more The spirit and methods of constitutionalism, combined with the openness of the media and extensive free discussion and debate, further enhance everyone's understanding and literacy in these areas. Most people can achieve rationality and restraint, and with these foundations, political reform can be gradually carried out and avoid overturning.   And we have also abandoned the term limit and changed it to unlimited re-election, which goes against the path of democracy. The drawbacks outweigh the benefits. We also hope to restore the term limit system as soon as possible. In fact, even if the number of terms has declined, we can continue to make contributions through participating in politics and politics. There is no need to break the rules, which may lead to negative evaluations or even resistance and opposition.

(11) Create a mild, tolerant, open-minded, and pragmatic political environment, and abandon strict, harsh, leftist, and extremist political styles.

This includes allowing for different opinions, welcoming criticism, and not getting angry or retaliating against those with different opinions or critics. Many enlightened predecessors have always paid more attention to this point. For example, your father emphasized the need to protect and respect different opinions multiple times before his death. However, our current criticism atmosphere is still quite tense, and many people dare not speak the truth or even speak up, and some places require that everyone cannot discuss policy guidelines. The more truth is debated, the clearer it becomes. We should allow and encourage different opinions to be raised, discussed, and argued.

Regarding Comrade Mao Zedong's emphasis on public ownership and the use of planned economy and non rule of law in managing the economy and society, it is relatively left-wing and extreme, and history has proven that it is not feasible or even harmful. However, Comrade Deng Xiaoping's reform and opening up, as well as his emphasis on market economy, are effective and better plans to promote social and economic development. Mao Zedong's advocacy of the Fengqiao experience, the launch of mass movements such as the Cultural Revolution, and mass dictatorship are also far more harmful than beneficial, which can easily lead to illegal convictions and arrests without adhering to the rule of law. We hope that we can completely abandon some of Mao Zedong's left-wing practices as soon as possible, to avoid pushing the country into a state of irreparable danger. Currently, some people affirm the role of the Cultural Revolution, and even need to vindicate it or even arrest it. Promoting a return to the path of the Cultural Revolution is either foolish or malicious, and the people will not allow it. We hope to stop it.

And the previous emphasis on solving problems and contradictions through struggle should not be inherited. It is not right to encourage everyone to dare to struggle and be good at struggle in various fields. The way of struggle is more about causing destruction and opposition. Solving problems and contradictions through communication and coordination is a better way to achieve unity, harmony, and win-win.

In addition, in recent years of environmental improvement and rural illegal demolition and rehabilitation movements, due to the emphasis on zero tolerance, teeth growth, and even setting completion targets for law enforcement agencies, failure to meet targets and strict supervision has led to many grassroots officials ignoring historical legacy issues and objective factors, not going through legal processes, rough law enforcement, forced demolition, indiscriminate demolition, and demolition of houses that are not illegally built but only have some procedural problems, as well as not punishing the true responsible person, who is the official who sold the land but also punishes the farmers who were deceived into buying land and building houses. There are also cases of forcibly reclaiming the land sold or rented out by the government in front of the government for the purpose of rehabilitation and not giving to the parties involved. Providing very little compensation has seriously harmed many innocent people and planted many seeds of hatred.

The governance of society requires tough and powerful measures to achieve success, but it also needs to be combined with education and guidance, using both kingly and hegemonic methods. Otherwise, being too strict and dominant will cause widespread loss of people's hearts and even cause widespread confrontation. In history, it is like the Qin Emperor, Han Wu, Chongzhen, and Cixi who were too harsh and overbearing in governing the country, leading to the separation of officials and the people and ultimately leading to the loss of the country or even its downfall. This cannot be ignored. We should allow harmless problems to exist appropriately, and provide appropriate tolerance for problems caused by historical and objective factors. We should also judge and distinguish responsibilities based on subjective and objective factors, and allow and encourage officials to redeem themselves by making contributions in exchange for reduced punishment (for example, for officials with corruption and other problems, appropriate tolerance can be given based on historical and objective factors, and a better way to deal with them is to make them bear the blame and make contributions, so that they have the opportunity to survive and become new people without much resistance, and can also use them to compensate for their crimes and make contributions to society), so as to unite more people in the united front and gather more strength.

(12) Adjust and optimize our current diplomatic practices to achieve extensive friendship.

We are currently isolated and even hostile to many other countries internationally, especially our relations with Western countries have deteriorated. While there are some reasons why other countries have prejudices against us and compete for our interests, there are also issues with our own lack of gentleness, flexibility, and pragmatism. In fact, most countries hope to cooperate and win with us more, and there is no real intentional hostility (emphasizing that other countries intentionally oppose us is basically misleading). It is only inevitable that there will be disputes and conflicts in interests and concepts between countries, but as long as the overall situation is win-win, there is no problem. Often, we should be tolerant, gentle, and even try to endure humiliation in order to exchange for more benefits. We should not be too limited to some small details, entangle in some small issues, and become enemies with others or even make enemies on all sides. As the saying goes, "when one observes, there is no one.". We don't have to and can't always think that someone is going to persecute us. Don't always think that the situation is severe, the wind is high, and the waves are urgent. Instead, if there are problems and international relations deteriorate, we should find more reasons from ourselves. Comrade Deng Xiaoping emphasized the practice of concealing oneself and befriending all parties, which, after decades of practice, is also more conducive to our country's foothold and development in the international community. We hope that we can continue to inherit and promote it, and eliminate the diplomatic behavior and extremist remarks of wolf fighting and making enemies everywhere. It is important to be aware that our country is still far from being strong, and even if it becomes strong, we should not strive to stand out in the international community or pursue dominance in international affairs, as these are all harmful and have no benefits.

And for regimes and political organizations that are despised by the world, such as authoritarian rule, theocratic rule, violent terrorist attacks, and aggression against other countries, we must also stay away from and cut them off. It is best to have a clear opposition to them, so as not to be recognized, abandoned, and isolated by the international community because we are too close or close to them. We cannot give them support just because they give us some support. It is not worth the loss of morality and a large group of friends just because we receive a small amount of benefits.

Another suggestion is not to engage in monetary diplomacy anymore. Over the years, in order to gain support from some small and underdeveloped countries, we have spent too much money and resources on these countries and their citizens through aid, construction assistance, unconditional low interest loans, accepting international students and providing subsidies, etc. This is also a place where many people in China have strong opinions. We should try to stop this behavior and reduce expenses in this regard, and instead rely on cooperation and mutual benefit with various countries, and gain recognition through honesty and trustworthiness to achieve good relations with other countries.

(14) Suggest reducing and downplaying the requirements of "two establishment", "two maintenance", and "four consciousnesses". It is better to gain everyone's support by gaining their recognition. It is not a requirement based on gaining recognition. At most, people may accept it on the surface but resist it internally, and even asking too much can cause resentment. We can unite everyone through identification with goals, systems, and culture, rather than relying too much on personal authority and charm to unite everyone. And as Laozi said, "A great government and leader do not exist, and the people do not feel their existence. The best management is to moisten things silently.".

(15) For the construction of Xiong'an New Area, it is recommended to reduce government investment and allow market capital and social forces to freely choose investment. Only in this way can we better invest and develop according to the actual needs of society and the market, while avoiding excessive government investment that does not generate sufficient economic and social benefits. According to some information, many constructions in Xiong'an New Area are currently vacant and not fully utilized. Many units and state-owned enterprises are required to relocate to Xiong'an New Area, but only their registered address has been changed and the entity has not moved there.

The above suggestions may be more direct, sharp, and not tactful enough, but I, like you, eagerly hope that our country and society can become better as soon as possible. It is a matter of love and responsibility. Please do not be angry. And some of the situations mentioned may be significantly different from the information you have previously known and encountered. This may also be due to factors that I have not been clear enough and not comprehensive enough, but there may also be factors that your exposure to information may not be direct and comprehensive enough, because many basic information and public voices may not be able to smoothly feedback to you. Some people may even intentionally or unintentionally only report good news to you without worrying, and some may even be deliberately flattering or even lifting a sedan chair to support and mislead you.

Forgive me for being blunt, and it's not a exaggeration. Our economy is already very bad now, with many economic entities losing money and going bankrupt, the stock market falling in a mess, and many people's incomes plummeting or even losing their jobs. The situation is already very severe. Under the economic, employment, and stock market downturn, as time goes on, families can't bear it anymore. Most people in society are already cursing their mothers. It can be said that public grievances are boiling, and the national management is already in a whirlpool of public opinion being cursed and expected to have accidents by many people. If this continues, it is really easy for civil unrest and social unrest to occur.

Many people hate and curse you because of the current economic recession and social regression. They don't understand your original intention and difficulties, and even think you are very bad. However, I think your original intention is good, and your starting point is not bad. You also hope to make contributions to the country and the people. Moreover, it is difficult and not easy for you to carry out work and coordinate various relationships, but there are some problems with your cognition and methods. I also believe that you can communicate and hope to improve your approach, solve problems, and resolve conflicts together through communication and discussion, rather than expressing dissatisfaction through hatred and confrontation like others.

At present, we urgently need to reflect, change our cognition, and adjust our practices, especially when it comes to social management. We cannot be too aggressive or too strict, and we must give everyone more space to unleash greater social vitality and creativity. We must also strive to establish a comprehensive and in-depth rule of law and democratic social system as soon as possible.

We are in an era of great historical changes, with great opportunities to make great contributions to society and the people, and to make great achievements and virtues. As a result, we are praised by the people and history. We can even create a democratic republic and create a new era like the predecessors Sun Yat sen, Washington, Chiang Ching kuo, and have a lasting reputation in history. I hope that we can all achieve great success, without considering personal power, fame, and gains and losses. We prioritize the well-being of the people, national interests, and social progress, and strive to live up to history and the people in all aspects, ensuring stability, suitability, positivity, and benefiting the country and the people.

Let's continue to work hard together for national prosperity, social civilization, and people's happiness!

Suggested by: Cai Weizhong
Mobile/WeChat: 18922710457
On February 2, 2024, in Guangzhou


Write again on March 3, 2024:

Respected Chairman. Xi Jinping,

I am writing to you again. Although I am not sure if you have received it, I hope that some of my words can be transmitted to you and arouse your attention and reflection.

At present, our economy is indeed deteriorating due to various unstable policies, and the opinions of the general public are becoming increasingly strong, with the possibility of an outbreak at any time.

I know you are a once-in-a-lifetime leader who is selfless and dedicated to serving the people. Your words and actions have very good starting points, but to be honest, you still have some cognitive biases, which have led to the implementation of policies that are detached from reality, public sentiment, and even go against public opinion, social development, and world trends, causing great harm to the people, society, economy, national diplomacy, and security.

Just like Wang Anshi's reform in ancient times, which had a good starting point and was also implemented with great speed, many policies were detached from reality, acted too hastily, lacked consideration for various interests and adverse effects, and were also very stubborn, refusing to listen to feedback and advice, and forcibly implementing them, resulting in great disasters.

It may also be difficult for you to hear different opinions because the Chinese people are obedient and rarely take the initiative or dare to express their opinions. If you hear some opinions, you may feel that they are hostile, malicious, or even someone trying to sabotage us. In fact, the vast majority of people both domestically and internationally hope that we can develop better rather than trying to stop or harm us.

I hope you can truly understand the current crisis situation and understand the reasons behind it, be more fresh and rational, and adopt a modern and relaxed way of managing society, abandoning outdated and harmful governance methods such as Mao Zedong.

I also hope that you can delegate power and not concentrate too much, otherwise it will not be conducive to unleashing everyone's enthusiasm and creativity, and it can also avoid the risk of national security being solely dependent on you.

I hope the government can reduce management, intervention, and participation in social and economic activities, so that everyone can regain confidence and release vitality, and thus reduce various national inputs and public expenditures with low input-output ratio and efficiency.

I hope we can quickly establish good relations with the vast majority of countries around the world, be friendly to domestic and foreign capital, enterprises, and entrepreneurs, and obtain more cooperation and investment.

I hope not to overemphasize security and harm development. The continuous upgrading of espionage laws, national security laws, and confidentiality laws has seriously scared away many people and capital, and harmed economic development.



On March 24, 2024, I will write again:

Respected Chairman. Xi Jinping,

This is my third time writing to you, hoping that you can read and truly value my feedback and suggestions.

During this period, the domestic economy has continued to deteriorate, and most people have felt that business is becoming increasingly difficult to do. Many people are unable to continue and even unable to repay debts, becoming dishonest. There are also more and more unemployed people in the surrounding areas, and the overall economy of society is relatively sluggish and stagnant.

At the same time, there are still many and more people competing to immigrate abroad and transferring a large amount of wealth. Most of these capable immigrants are those who have developed well and are capable and excellent. If they can stay in China, it can drive more economic and social development. If they can stay in China, the large amount of funds transferred abroad with their immigration can also drive more economic growth if they can stay in China for investment and consumption. Unfortunately, they have all lost their favor and confidence in our current government and are accelerating their escape. Their foot voting and the serious loss of talent and wealth caused by it, I hope it can arouse your alertness and reflection, touch your awareness of the seriousness of the problem, and correct some practices as soon as possible.

Excessive emphasis on safety and strict social control without considering the impact and constraints on economic development, infringement of everyone's freedom, loss of vitality in society, and also scaring away foreign investment and capable Chinese people who have fled with wealth. Moreover, such strict control may not necessarily be beneficial to safety, as it can lead to many dissatisfaction and instability factors at any time, which is indeed a very bad practice and urgently needs to be corrected. Especially with the recent rapid legislation of Article 23 in Hong Kong, many Hong Kong people have completely given up on Hong Kong, causing many countries and people both domestically and internationally to feel hopeless about the Chinese government.

If the economy and other aspects continue to stagnate and stagnate in this way, output will decrease. The government's strong investment in funds to rescue the market will lead to the depletion of the national treasury's years of accumulation, and banks are also required to assist in rescuing the market by taking many measures that deviate from the market and norms, including lending large amounts of low interest loans to enterprises that are not doing well or even operating abnormally. Sooner or later, this will cause a large number of bad debts and operational difficulties for banks, and cause financial turbulence waves, as well as huge losses of national and public wealth.

And your frequent statements, policies, and actions that emphasize common prosperity and recognize the importance of state-owned economy, coupled with the exclusion and suppression of many private enterprises, foreign-funded enterprises, and business owners in recent years, have also made people increasingly concerned that the Chinese government will not protect private property, the Chinese market will be difficult to have fair competition, unfriendly to private and foreign-funded enterprises, and shrinking development space.

And our increasingly intimate approach with negative regimes and their leaders such as Russia, North Korea, Iran, the Taliban, Hamas, and others, frequent high-profile contact and even praise their words and actions, makes people think that we have no principles, no bottom line, and no conscience, making us more abandoned and marginalized by the international community. We have always mistakenly thought that some countries in the world intentionally opposed us. In fact, many countries have poor relations mainly not because of conflicts of interest, but because there is a large gap in ideas, and our actions make them feel disgusted. At present, there are very few major mainstream countries that are close to us, and only some countries with poor or small reputations deal with us. We also promote cooperation and receive visits from these countries with high standards, which makes the general public feel very contemptuous and disgusted, and there is a lot of mockery everywhere.

The negative consequences of our previous investigation have gradually been reflected in Foxconn, which has indeed led to its accelerated withdrawal and relocation, as well as a significant reduction in new foreign investment. Foreign investment that has already been invested has also been significantly reduced in size and reduced in layoffs, and even companies have been deregistered and withdrawn.

I don't know why we have so many words and actions that are contrary to common sense and go against the world trend, and have not been reflected on and corrected. Has someone been misleading you and the decision-making class, leading you into traps and astray? Be careful not to be misled or misled by the ulterior motives of some people.

The current situation of excessive social control leading to loss of vitality, dispersion of people's hearts, and economic stagnation is very similar to the description in Gong Zizhen's "Ji Hai Za Shi: 125" at the end of the Qing Dynasty, which states that "the anger of the Nine Provinces relies on wind and thunder, and ten thousand horses remain silent and mournful." We do urgently need to rectify the situation! I have compiled the following suggestions:

1. Relax social regulation as soon as possible, implement a relaxed, open-minded, civilized, and democratic social management approach, so that everyone can see that we are abandoning authoritarianism and embracing democratic civilization, abandoning the dross of Marxism Leninism and Mao Zedong as soon as possible, and doing a clear and deep cut with Marxism Leninism and Mao Zedong, inheriting more of Deng Xiaoping's reform spirit and promoting market economy practices, no longer mentioning sensitive and ambiguous statements such as common prosperity and the importance of state-owned enterprises to avoid touching everyone's nervous and sensitive nerves, so that everyone can regain confidence in us and be willing to increase investment and consumption instead of withdrawing, relocating, or immigrating.

2. It is recommended to stay away from countries and regimes that have been internationally despised, such as Russia, Iran, North Korea, the Taliban, Hamas, etc. The farther the better, and to clearly cut off from them to avoid being disgusted and disliked due to interaction with them. And don't invite small countries to visit again, and don't promote their own visits to avoid being looked down upon and ridiculed.

3. It is necessary to pay more attention to people's livelihoods, reduce military and foreign aid expenses, and use funds to improve people's livelihoods. We hope that we can not only pursue national goals but also look down at the difficulties of people's livelihoods. Currently, there are still many people who live relatively poor lives and are very economically disadvantaged.

4. It is recommended not to do everything by oneself. It is impossible for a person to have the energy to do everything comprehensively, let alone be familiar with everything. Doing everything will result in a lot of things being neglected and not doing well, and one is also very tired. Dividing work from all aspects can make oneself more relaxed and focus on important and valuable things. Leaders should focus more on coordinating the work of all parties rather than being responsible for specific tasks, and rely on more people and professional talents to do it. It is better to unleash more people's creativity and do it more professionally, especially in economic management, which is very knowledgeable and skilled. It is better to entrust it to professional people to manage, and there will be no similar mess in current economic management. The phenomenon of "one hundred and twenty-five" in the poem "Ji Hai Za Shi" also requires everyone to share responsibilities without having to bear all kinds of responsibilities and pressure. The latter part of the poem "I advise the heavens to shake up their spirits and demote talents without sticking to any particular style" suggests that more talents participate and play a role. Also, do not give too many specific and professional work instructions in various aspects, because you may not be familiar with too much specific work, and the instructions may not be correct. People may be afraid of punishment if they do not follow your instructions, or they may follow your instructions to please you, even if they know it is wrong.  

5. It is recommended not to serve as a national leader for too long, but to gradually step down to the second line, allowing more young people to take over the work and unleash their creativity, allowing them to better drive the development of the country and society in richer and more innovative ways. This will be more conducive to maintaining the vitality of the country and gathering the wisdom and strength of more people, better achieving national prosperity. Taking a step back as a means of progress can often solve many problems and turn the tide, just like Washington and others who bravely retreat in times of crisis can also demonstrate their original intention of serving the people and the country, and be praised and remembered by the people and history. To be honest, you have made some achievements that can be remembered in history, but if you continue to stand still without adjustment or suspension based on the current situation, it is easy to leave behind significant mistakes that will affect your historical reputation.

6. It is recommended to listen to various different opinions, collect opinions from both the government and the public, as well as articles and comments criticizing domestic and foreign opinions for reference. There should be a relaxed discussion environment for everyone to provide more opinions, and do not criticize or punish those who have different opinions and proponents. Otherwise, one word can easily lead to incomplete decision-making and lack of error correction ability, which is very dangerous for individuals and the country.

7. It is recommended not to get angry casually, otherwise people below will be afraid and worried about gains and losses, at a loss, afraid to express their true opinions and ideas, afraid to exert subjective initiative to do things, and even do things to please and conform to your preferences. It is easy to do things that go against the rules and principles, leading to many losses and damages. It is indeed important for a leader to maintain restraint, control emotions, and conceal their displeasure and anger.