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Some suggestions for Mr. Kim Jong un

2024/3/31      view:
Some suggestions for Mr. Kim Jong un

Hello Chairman Kim Jong un!
Taking the liberty of writing to you, I hope you can see the contents of this letter.
I am a Chinese, but I have always been very concerned about the development of North Korea. Our two countries are not only friendly neighbors, but also largely share the same origin in terms of race and culture. I hope we can both develop well.
I also greatly admire your ability to manage a country in an orderly and orderly manner at such a young age. You are a talented young generation.
And I am also pleased to see that North Korea has been making continuous progress in recent years, with society becoming more open and politics becoming more enlightened.
I hope North Korea can develop better in the future. Here, I also offer you some suggestions and ideas, hoping to have some reference value for you.
1. It is recommended to reduce regulations in various fields and be more open to the public. This can better unleash everyone's vitality and creativity, making the country more prosperous and strong.
Especially in terms of economic liberalization, allowing the private economy to fully play its role is the best and most effective way to promote economic development, as proven by the experiences of countries such as China and Vietnam.
The efficiency of the public economy is very low, and the vast majority of people lack enthusiasm, so output is often very low. Currently, North Korea mainly operates in the public economy, which is one of the main reasons why the country and its people are still relatively poor and not wealthy.
Opening up in all aspects to allow everyone to participate more freely will allow more people to think of ways and make efforts separately. Compared to not opening up and only a few people participating in thinking of ways and making efforts, it is certain that more will be created. Blossoming a hundred flowers will inevitably achieve vigorous development and prosperity, and achieving prosperity will benefit everyone, including the leadership and ordinary people.
2. It is recommended to focus more on improving people's livelihoods and reducing national expenses such as military expenses. The current economic and living standards of North Korea are still relatively low, with many people living in poverty. It is recommended to pay more attention to improving people's livelihoods, invest more in economic development, healthcare, education, etc., and try to compress and reduce national expenses such as military expenses.
3. It is recommended to adopt a more relaxed and education oriented public management approach. Society is becoming increasingly civilized, and traditional strict public management methods are no longer suitable for modern society. Previously, I heard that North Korea's laws and punishment measures are relatively strict. It is better to relax this suggestion. Everyone is bound to make mistakes, but it can be appropriately punished and improved through persuasion and education. It is not advisable to impose harsh punishment at will. While overly severe punishment can serve as a warning to others, it can be repulsive and reduce people's recognition of the country and the government. Losing everyone's recognition is not good for a government and can easily lead to problems.
4. It is recommended to continue to increase the efforts of opening up to the outside world. This includes encouraging more international forces to participate in North Korea's construction, as well as encouraging more of our own people to go abroad. This can increase more international cooperation, utilize more international opportunities, resources, and strength, and is also a good way to promote national development.
Don't worry about bad things flowing in because of openness, as long as the overall benefits are good, it's like the Chinese saying goes, you can't waste food just because of choking. There is no need to worry that opening up will endanger the security of the regime. As long as a regime can benefit the people and international investors, everyone will support it rather than oppose it. Only when there is a significant gap between interests and basic values, will there be conflicts and hostility.
Don't worry about openness leading to greater difficulty in social management due to information flow and transparency. As long as we do well ourselves, we are not afraid of normal information dissemination. Information flow and transparency can make everyone more rational rather than suspicious of the government.
5. It is recommended to reduce the number of enemies and make extensive friendships internationally in order to gain more cooperation and better benefits. At present, North Korea has fewer friendly countries, which is not conducive to national development. The main reason for its poor relations with many countries is not because of conflicts of interest, but because of a large gap in ideas. This includes the fact that everyone advocates for new, enlightened, free, and democratic social management methods, while North Korea still retains a very traditional and authoritarian management style. Some countries have been excluded by the majority of the international community for their bad behavior (such as invading other countries and brutally suppressing their people), but North Korea still works closely with them, which makes everyone resentful and also excludes North Korea. It is recommended to improve these aspects and make them closer to the mainstream ideas of most countries in the international community and mutually recognize each other.
6. It is recommended to promote the country's political system towards civilization and democracy. Civilization and democracy are more beneficial for the development and long-term stability of a country, and are also better for everyone's life and development. If they can be promoted and implemented, they will make great contributions to the country and the people, be remembered in history, and be grateful and remembered by the people. Just like Chiang Ching kuo in Taiwan, he has made significant progress in the social system and is forever remembered and praised by the people and history.
The greatest value of each individual lies in making contributions to society. The interests of individuals, families, and small groups in leadership do not need to be considered too much. Being able to contribute to the country, the world, and society is more meaningful and immeasurable. You are in a very good position with many opportunities and resources to promote social progress and benefit the people. I believe you will make great achievements for the benefit of the country and the people, ushering in a new era for North Korea and being recorded in the history of the world with a good reputation.
Finally, I wish you eternal health, happiness, and happiness!

Suggested by: Cai Weizhong
March 23, 2024 in Guangzhou