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Some suggestions for Mr. Putin

2024/3/31      view:

Some suggestions for Mr. Putin


Hello Mr. Putin!

I am a political research enthusiast in China and would like to write to you.

Firstly, I highly appreciate your ability to ensure long-term stability in Russian society through strong governance and to unite the vast majority of Russians through personal charisma. It is indeed not easy to govern a country with a wide range of people (and many of them are rebellious).

However, I think you can still do better in some aspects. Although my political theory level and practical experience are far inferior to yours, I would like to offer you some suggestions here, hoping to have some reference value for you.

1. It is suggested to handle international relations in a softer way, making friends, cooperating extensively, and achieving greater benefits. Cooperation generally brings complementarity and win-win outcomes, while mutual isolation can lead to the loss of more opportunities for each other. Therefore, it is best to get along well with as many countries as possible, even if they are not very friendly. We should see more of the benefits of cooperation with them and try to minimize their shortcomings. As the ancient Chinese saying goes, "When one observes, there is no one." This means that if one is too serious, they will have no friends, and if they can tolerate and try not to argue on small issues, they can have many friends. Making enemies on all sides will make oneself isolated and helpless, while unity and united front can form a stronger force. Russia currently has few friendly countries, which is not conducive to national development. We hope to make changes as soon as possible, integrate into the world family as soon as possible, and gain more benefits from cooperation.

2. There can be better ways to maintain the country, while minimizing tough measures. As a leader of a country, maintaining the country's territory is a responsibility. However, in the face of complex historical legacy issues and objective factors, one must be cautious and not rush to hope for success. Many things that cannot be solved temporarily can be left for time to slowly solve. The achievements do not need to be in my hands, and we should try to achieve them through diplomatic and peaceful negotiations, as well as cultural and economic integration. We cannot use tough methods such as military actions, otherwise it will only cause strong backlash and confrontation, leading to mutual harm and a net of fish and fish, and ultimately not worth the loss. It is also recommended not to overly remember the gains and losses in history (if we talk about history, Russia also has many territories that are neighboring countries). We should first try to put aside disputes to maintain peace, and then try to resolve them through negotiation and arbitration. As the world is increasingly integrated, we should take the path of openness and joint development, rather than just staying on the traditional concept of territorial disputes.

3. It is recommended to end the war between Russia and Ukraine as soon as possible. The investment and losses caused by the war are very huge, and the results obtained are very small, which is not worth the loss. Moreover, Russia has been further isolated, distanced, and hostile by many countries due to this war, which is not cost-effective. Moreover, due to the increasing number of casualties among soldiers, there is no need to continue. The earlier concessions are made and the war is ended, the more advantageous it will be for Russia. For many people who oppose ending the war, it is advisable to send them to the front line to charge forward and better understand the dangers and dangers of war, so that they will not oppose a ceasefire.

4. While pursuing national strength and achieving national development goals, it is recommended to also consider the well-being of the people, including the happiness of everyone. Both Russia and China have learned many lessons in this regard in history, sacrificing the interests of the general public for the sake of national strength. As a result, the living standards of the people have been poor for a long time, and many people have lost their lives in wars to achieve some national goals. As a result, the country is not recognized by everyone and lacks cohesion, leading to failure. The current economic level and people's living standards in Russia are still relatively low. It is recommended to pay more attention to improving people's livelihoods, invest more in economic development, and reduce military and other national expenses.

5. It is recommended to instill a gentle and mutually beneficial mindset in the public through education and publicity. At present, many people have biases and even extreme thoughts, are accustomed to acting recklessly and forcefully, and are enthusiastic about expanding the country's territory. Their opinions and values also have a significant impact and even influence the country's policies, requiring more guidance and improvement.

6. It is recommended not to serve as a national leader for too long, and not to do everything on your own. Gradually, you can step back and let more young people take over the work and unleash their creativity, allowing them to better drive the development of the country and society in richer and more innovative ways. This will be more conducive to maintaining the vitality of the country and gathering the wisdom and strength of more people, better achieving national prosperity.

I believe that under the leadership of you and the elite class of Russia, Russia will definitely move towards prosperity and civilization, and will better integrate into the world family. I also believe that you will become an ambassador of civilization, a person that many people around the world like, and I believe that you will not only contribute to Russia, but also contribute to world peace and development, and be recorded in the history of the world with a good reputation (as the Chinese saying goes, it can be "timeless").

Finally, I wish you eternal health, happiness, and happiness!




Weizhong Cai

March 23, 2024







1. 建议可以用更柔和的方式处理国际关系,广交朋友、广泛合作并实现更大的利益。合作一般都是能带来互补和共赢的,而互相孤立会彼此都丧失更多机会,因此最好是能和尽量多的国家交好,哪怕不是很友好的国家也尽量相处好,更多地看到和他们合作带来的利益而尽量少计较他们做得不好的地方,正如中国有句古话“人至察则无徒”,就是如果太较真就会没有朋友,能忍让和在小问题上尽量不计较才能有很多朋友,四面树敌会使得自己孤立无援,而团结统战能形成更强大的力量。俄罗斯目前交好的国家不多,这是不利于国家发展的,希望能尽快改变,尽早融入到世界大家庭并获得更多合作产生的利益。

2. 在国土的维护上可以有更好的方法,而尽量减少强硬的方式。作为一个国家的领导人,维护国家的国土是职责,但面对很复杂的历史遗留问题和客观因素,一定要谨慎,不可急于求成希望一蹶而就,很多暂时没法解决的可留给时间慢慢解决,功成不必在我,并且要尽量用外交和平谈判的方式以及文化、经济互相融合的方式来实现,而不能用强硬的方式比如军事行动,不然只会引起强烈反弹和对抗并导致两败俱伤和鱼死网破,最终反而得不偿失,还有也建议不要过于记念于历史上的得失(如果要论历史,俄罗斯也有很多国土都是周边国家的呢),大家还是先尽量搁置争议以维护和平,然后再尽量通过协商、仲裁的方式解决,以及现在世界也越来越融合在一体了,大家更应该是走开放、共同开发的道路,而不是停留在争夺领土的传统观念上。

3. 建议尽早结束俄罗斯和乌克兰的战争。战争的投入和导致的损失非常巨大,获得的成果又是很小的,是非常得不偿失的,且俄罗斯因为这次战争被很多国家更加孤立、远离、敌对了,这是很不划算的,并且由于造成很多士兵的伤亡被越来越多的国民反对,没必要再强撑下去了,越早让步并结束战争对俄罗斯就越有利。对于也有不少反对结束战争的人,可让他们上前线去冲锋陷阵,让他们更好知道战争的危害和危险就不会反对停战了。

4. 在追求国家强大、实现国家发展目标的同时,建议也多考虑民众的福祉包括每一个人的幸福。俄罗斯和中国在历史上都有很多这方面的教训,为了国家的强大而牺牲了广大民众的利益,结果民众生活水平长期较差,甚至为了实现一些国家目标而参加战争很多人丧失了生命,国家也因此不被大家认可而凝聚力不够走向失败。俄罗斯当前经济水平、人民生活水平还是比较低的,建议还是尽量多注重民生改善,多对经济发展做投入,而压缩减少军事等国家开销。

5. 建议多通过教育和宣传,给民众灌输温和、互利的思维。目前有不少民众思想有偏见甚至比较极端,习惯于鲁莽、强势行事,以及热衷于国家开疆辟土,他们的意见和价值观也较大影响甚至裹挟了国家的政策,需要多进行引导并改良。

6. 建议不要太长期担任国家领导,不要事事亲力亲为,而逐步可退居二线,让更多年轻人接手工作并发挥他们的创造力,让他们用更丰富、更创新的方式更好带动国家和社会发展,这将会更加有利于国家保持活力和集合更多人的智慧和力量,更好实现国家繁荣。





