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Some suggestions for Mr. Khamenei

2024/3/31      view:

Some suggestions for Mr. Khamenei


Hello, Mr. Khamenei!

Taking the liberty of writing to you, I hope you can see the contents of this letter.

I am a Chinese, but I have always been very concerned about Iran's development. Iran has a long history and splendid culture, and I hope Iran can also develop better and better.

Thanks to your effective control and guidance, Iran's society has been relatively stable in recent years, and the majority of the population is also rational. There are relatively few people with fanaticism and extreme behavior, which has played a good role in the security and stability of Iran and its surrounding areas.

However, we also feel that Iran's development is still relatively slow. For many years, people's lives have improved very little, and social progress and changes have not been significant. Although I know that you place great emphasis on economic development and opening up and cooperation with the outside world, Iran is still far from doing enough in these areas.

Although there are external reasons for this, it is mainly related to internal reasons, especially the relatively rigid ideology and low level of ideological openness in Iranian society.

The current conflict between the ruling class and the people in Iran is extremely acute, and there have been multiple demonstrations, with the possibility of further eruptions that may lead to social unrest or even regime subversion.

I believe you have also seen the existence of these problems and are very eager to solve them well, so that Iran can develop better. Here, I also provide you with some suggestions and ideas, hoping to have some reference value for you.

1. It is recommended to promote political system reform as soon as possible and establish a republican and win-win system for all parties.

The current political system in Iran is very imbalanced, with a small number of people (including clergy and key members of the Revolutionary Guard) holding a huge proportion of wealth, while the general public holds very little wealth, and even the majority are extremely poor. This imbalance and impoverished life have led to strong dissatisfaction among many people, especially now that more and more people are aware of the true situation of unfairness.

The general public is the foundation of a political power, and obtaining the support of the general public is the key to achieving long-term stability. However, a political power that only receives the support of a small number of people cannot remain stable for a long time. Although these people can guide and deter the people to obey the government through religious appeal and armed forces, this obedience is distorted and cannot be sustained for a long time due to being deceived and intimidated. And these minority beneficiaries have engaged in many corrupt, corrupt, and opportunistic behaviors, as well as having a large and uncontrolled influence, often influencing and even manipulating government decisions. If they are not well controlled, they may be swallowed up by them, which is not conducive to security and stability.

In fact, the ruling class and the people can achieve a win-win situation, and it is also possible to achieve no conflict between benefiting the people and benefiting the ruling class more. A good system can enable everyone to better exert their enthusiasm and create more wealth, and a republic at all levels can also better accept and integrate the country into the international community, thereby obtaining more opportunities for development (such as if Iran's oil could be exported smoothly without sanctions, the wealth would be huge). Then, everyone can share more wealth than before. However, if the system is not good, everyone lacks enthusiasm and is subject to many restrictions, the wealth created by the entire society will be relatively small, and isolated and sanctioned by the international community, resulting in the loss of many development opportunities. At this point, the overall wealth is not much, and even if the distribution is relatively large, there will not be too much. Just like China's reform and opening up, social wealth has increased significantly compared to before, benefiting the people. Although the proportion of wealth received by the ruling class to the overall wealth has been lower than before, the amount of wealth obtained is much more than before.

In recent years, the Iranian people's call for political reform has become increasingly strong and has often evolved into demonstrations. They hope to hear more of their opinions, consider their interests more, and respond more to the will of the people. Some of the previous demonstrations were caused by their voices not being expressed through channels or not being considered, and we hope to take them seriously and improve them. It is also recommended to communicate and coordinate more with the public's demonstration activities, rather than just forcefully suppressing them. Suppression only blocks everyone's opinions, and the more blocked the people are, the greater the resentment, and the greater the risk of social instability.

In order to better take care of the interests of the general public, it is recommended to further promote democratic reforms to give the people greater and genuine voting decision-making influence, so as to better participate in wealth distribution, rather than having limited or screened candidates despite having voting rights. And gradually remove the privileged and monopolistic classes and organizations, achieving social equality and reducing power concentration to better avoid corruption. It is also best to gradually separate political power and religion, reduce the phenomenon of religion affecting government decision-making and even surpassing policies and laws, so that the government can better do professional social management work, and religion can better focus on spiritual civilization construction.

2. Change the strict control of social management methods to make everyone more free.

Social stability and national security are important, but although strict control may seem to reduce instability and ensure political security, what it brings is only superficial and temporary security and stability. Opposing opinions and potential opposing forces will only be temporarily suppressed due to strict control, but will not disappear as a result. On the contrary, reducing regulation and becoming more open in all aspects can provide people with more opportunities for development and thus lead to better lives, greater satisfaction with society, and greater recognition of the political power, in order to reduce resentment and hostile behavior, and thus better promote long-term social stability.

There is no need to impose too strict restrictions on everyone's words and actions. There is no need to strictly demand that they must comply with the traditional requirements of Islam. Some traditional requirements were formed a long time ago and are suitable for that era, but in modern society, many of these traditional requirements are outdated and out of date and must be adjusted. In fact, Allah hopes that everyone can practice good spiritual concepts such as kindness and universal love, rather than hoping that everyone can do some superficial and formal things. It can be required that everyone respects Allah in their hearts and acts and behaves in the spirit advocated by Allah. As long as everyone's heart is good, it is enough, and there is no need to be too limited to some formal and meaningless things. Red tape. Allah loves the world very much and hopes that everyone can live a prosperous, free and good life, without requiring everyone to maintain the same way of life as ancient society. All regulations should be judged based on whether they are conducive to improving people's lives, rather than being limited to the description of some scriptures, otherwise it will be taken out of context and superficial. Don't worry about freedom and looseness corrupting your soul. On the contrary, freedom and looseness can bring a better life, making you more grateful to Allah and your soul more sincere.

For mistakes made by the public, it is also recommended to adopt a punishment method that is not too strict and mainly based on education and guidance. Previously, I heard that Iran's laws and punishment measures were quite strict, and even heard that some people were sentenced to death for watching pornographic films. It is recommended to relax some of them. Everyone is bound to make mistakes, and appropriate punishment can be imposed and improved through persuasion and education. It is not advisable to impose harsh punishment at all unless the crime is heinous or the teacher refuses to change. While overly severe punishment can serve as a warning to others, it can make people feel disgusted and reduce their recognition of the government. Losing everyone's recognition is not good for a government and can easily lead to problems.

It is also suggested to reduce restrictions on mutual communication, including not prohibiting the spread of some information and the use of some Internet communication software, or even restricting the installation and sometimes disconnecting of the Internet. Don't worry about the difficulty of social management caused by information flow and transparency. As long as we do well ourselves, we are not afraid of normal information dissemination. The more we argue, the clearer the truth becomes. Information flow and transparency can help everyone understand the truth better rather than being ignorant and skeptical of the government everywhere. Moreover, there are many ways of information dissemination in modern society, and information dissemination is fast and everywhere, which cannot be prohibited, just like cloth cannot hold water.

3. It is recommended to reduce restrictions in various fields such as economy, culture, and scientific research, and be more open to the public. This can allow everyone to participate more freely and fully in various affairs and activities without being constrained, better unleash everyone's vitality and creativity, create more economic, cultural and other achievements, make the people more prosperous, society more prosperous, and the country more prosperous.

In various economic and cultural fields, do not impose too many restrictions or be monopolized by some state-owned units. Instead, let everyone participate freely and fully, and the economy will soon prosper. The experience of reform and opening up in countries such as China and Vietnam has proven that this is indeed the case.

And currently, due to the many restrictions on the public in some areas, which are mainly controlled by the government, it has also led to low efficiency and an increase in corruption. By opening up for everyone to participate and introducing competition, state-owned enterprises can also be under pressure to improve efficiency and reduce corruption.

4. It is recommended to use education and publicity to make people from all walks of life more rational and gentle rather than ignorant, closed, radical, and fanatical. This can create a good public opinion environment in society, which is conducive to the smooth decision-making and implementation of good policies without being hindered by the irrational opinions of many people.

5. It is recommended to increase the efforts of opening up to the outside world. Including involving more international forces in Iran's construction can increase international cooperation, utilize more international resources and strength, and is also a good way to promote national development.

Don't worry that bad ideas may also flow in due to openness, as long as the overall outcome is good, it's like the Chinese saying goes, "You can't waste food just because of choking.". There is no need to worry that opening up will endanger the security of the regime. As long as a regime can benefit the people and international investors, everyone will support it rather than oppose it. Only when there is a significant gap between interests and basic values, will there be conflicts and hostility.

6. It is recommended to handle international relations in a softer way, reducing the number of enemies and making broad friendships in the international community, in order to gain more cooperation and better benefits. At present, Iran has fewer friendly countries, which is detrimental to national development. Collaboration generally brings complementarity and win-win outcomes, while mutual isolation can lead to the loss of more opportunities for each other. Therefore, it is best to get along well with as many countries as possible, even if they are not very friendly. We should see more of the benefits brought by cooperation or friendly interaction with them and try to minimize their shortcomings. As the ancient Chinese saying goes, "When one observes, there is no one." This means that if one is too serious, they will have no friends. Only by being tolerant and not caring about small issues can they have many friends. The main reason for the poor relations with many countries is not because of conflicting interests, but because of a large gap in ideas. This includes the fact that everyone advocates for new, enlightened, free, and democratic social management methods, while Iran still retains a very traditional and authoritarian management approach. Some countries are excluded by the majority of the international community due to their bad behavior (such as invading other countries and brutally suppressing their people), but Iran still closely cooperates with them. This makes everyone very resentful and also excludes Iran. It is recommended to improve these aspects and make them closer to the mainstream of the international community in terms of ideas and mutual recognition.

I believe that you are a person with a strong sense of responsibility towards the Iranian country and nation. You will definitely use your strong abilities and influence to promote significant changes in Iran, open up an innovative era for Iran, make great contributions to the country and people, be grateful and remembered by the Iranian people, and be recorded in the history of the world with a good reputation!

I believe that with your leadership and everyone's joint efforts, Iran will be able to recreate a brilliant Persian civilization and create a modern Islamic miracle!

We look forward to Iran moving towards full democracy, rule of law, freedom, and civilization as soon as possible, resolving sharp internal conflicts and becoming more stable and prosperous. We also look forward to the Iranian people living a prosperous, free, and beautiful life as soon as possible!

Finally, I wish you eternal health, happiness, and happiness!




Suggested by: Cai Weizhong

March 31, 2024 in Guangzhou